David Baden, MD

  • Emergency Physician, Diakonessenhuis, Utrecht
  • President of the Dutch Society of Emergency Physicians

Dr David Baden is an emergency physician at the Diakonessenhuis in Utrecht. Next to a management role in the department, he also serves as the program director for the training of nurse specialists in the ED and is chairing the Mortality and Morbidity Committee of the hospital.

In addition to his clinical and academic work, Dr. David Baden has been actively involved in the advancement of emergency medicine on a national level. Since 2016 as board of directors of the Dutch Society of Emergency Physicians were he has taken part in numerous national committees on emergency medicine quality. Since 2020 he has served as President of the Dutch Society and continued his work on quality of care. He also chaired working groups on the practical implementation of national digital medical data exchange in the acute care and also measuring more uniform workload measurement for reducing crowding. In 2023 hefinisched his pHD research at the Utrecht University with a focus on biomechanical reduction techniques in anterior shoulder dislocations.

Dr. David Baden is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences, addressing topics such as sustainable and future-proof acute care, climate adaptation in emergency medicine, and bridging the gap between mental and psychical acute care. He also started the Dutch iteration of the APEx course, a course that teaches medical professionals a structured approach to the patient with acute confusion and suicidality (in addition to the integrated ABCDE systematics).

In addition, Dr Baden is involved in national policy, both in a scientific advisory role, including as a member of working groups of the National Health Council, but also an advisor to various policymakers and politicians.